Find Your Passion

by 9:59 AM 1 coments
Your passion is that one thing which sets you free from the clutches of boredom, misery and aimlessness, while giving a purpose to your life. It is that one thing, doing which, brings out the best in you. When you find your passion, it is like discovering a gold mine that had always been buried in your backyard. You do not follow your passion for money, fame or any other materialistic gains. You follow your passion because it makes you happy and provides you with a reason to go on! It is as simple as that. It is pure love for what you do. Here I suggest some ways to find your passion in life for those who think it has eluded them.

In our heart, we know what our passion in life is. We lose sight of it when social conformism kicks in, and we start conforming to the majority. We stop believing in our passion in life when we listen less of the voice from within and more from those outside voices that tell us what to do! The society tries to mold us into stereotypes that we aren't. You find your passion early in life but you are made to ignore it because it doesn't bring in money or because it doesn't conform with the plans that your father or mother have for you! Peer pressure kicks in and we ignore what we love, for what brings us appreciation, acceptance and security. You become 'practical' and tread the beaten paths, while ignoring that one thing which makes you feel truly alive! So don't forget to follow your passion were ever it takes you!

PS: Thank you Susan from Norway for helping me to promote my blog through Eurovision!



Eurovision Fan since 2009, student of History and Accounting.

1 coments:

clemy_alice said...

Foarte interesant postul. Ai dreptate dar, din pacate, in ziua de azi, trebuie sa purtam o masca in inalta societate. Este bine, zic yo, deoarece lumea s-a schimbat in rau. Ne conformam si noi noilor "reguli", dar nu ne schimbam(cel putin nu totalmente). Pasiunile nu trebuie lasate deoparte. De multe ori ele ne definesc. Te stii la astea. Nu te lasa demoralizat de nimeni, Florine! :)